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Music Education

Bachelor of Music in Music Education Degree 

Inspire the future with a Bachelor of Music (B.M) in music education degree at Mount Union.  我们的专业和执照课程为您准备与K-12年级的孩子一起工作. As a music education major, you will study the history, theory, basic musicianship, and practical skills in the field. 你也将有机会创造音乐,选择从许多音乐合奏和团体加入.  

About the Program

我们的caep认证音乐教育专业课程为您提供了许多完善音乐教学工艺的机会,包括课堂准备和附近学校的实地体验. As an emerging educator, you will write original music plans, create a welcoming classroom environment, and share your passion for music with the younger generation. 

音乐教育者在当今的学校中扮演着至关重要的角色,为学生提供 with 持续一生的技能——纪律、团队合作和创造力. Yet, music education is so much more important than that. According to the National Association for Music Education, 研究表明,参加学校音乐课程的学生往往在标准化考试中得分更高, are more likely to stay in school and graduate, 是否更有可能远离毒品和酒精,在职业生涯中获得更高的收入. Imagine the impact that you can make on these future students. 

Music Quick Facts

Mount Union大学的音乐教育学士学位可以让你探索你感兴趣的领域之外的学习领域. This, along with essential leadership and communication skills, will prepare you to directly impact your future employment. 

  • 97.5-103 credit hours within the music education program 
  • 32 credit hours in the well-rounded Integrative Core 
  • Student Showcases give students the chance to perform in front of an audience filled with faculty members, students, and other members of the Mount Union community. 
  • Join 包括联盟交响乐团在内的超过15个演出团体, the marching band, jazz band, five choirs, repertory strings, and many more. 

Performing Arts Auditions

Visual and Performing Arts scholarships 对那些在艺术方面有特殊天赋的学生开放, media, music or theatre. 奖学金数额取决于试镜或作品集审查,感兴趣的学生应安排试镜和/或作品集审查或联系 Department of Performing Arts or the Department of Visual Arts and Media. 

Learn more about the Degree in Music Education

威尼斯人app下载的教师是专门的教师,他们通过关怀和一对一的合作关系促进学生的成长.  支持性的家庭氛围培养学生,让他们找到自己的归属. It is relationships like this, 结合课堂课程和优秀的体验式学习机会, 让我们的毕业生做好准备,在毕业后对他们的世界产生影响. 

  • Curriculum

    Music Curriculum 

    As a music major at the University of Mount Union, you will study the history, theory, basic musicianship and practical skills in music. As you pursue your Bachelor's of Music degree in music education, 将有机会从各种各样的音乐课程中进行选择,并参加各种音乐表演团体. In addition, 你将被要求参加教育课程,这将为你的教学职业提供基础. 

    Review the Undergraduate Catalog to learn more. 

  • Learning Objectives

    Our degree in music education prepares you to:

    • 展示选择最佳方法和材料以满足学习目标的能力. 
    • 掌握一种或多种音乐语言的基本作曲和/或即兴创作能力. 
    • Build a conducive learning environment. 
    • Become aware of diverse cultures, 培养对美国社会以及其他社会和艺术的好奇心, and will acquire the ability to place music, including the music of various cultures of the world, repertoires beyond the area of specialization, and music of their own time, in historical, cultural, and stylistic contexts. 
    • 了解音乐的共同元素和组织模式及其相互作用, and the ability to demonstrate this understanding in aural, verbal, and visual analysis. 
    • 有适当的历史和风格表演实践的工作知识. 
    • Work independently and cooperatively on various musical problems by combining their capabilities in performance; aural, verbal, and visual analysis; composition and improvisation; and history and repertoire. 
    • Demonstrate keyboard competency. 
    • 了解构成音乐事业的各种专业和活动之间的基本相互关系和相互依赖关系. 
    • 培养足够的知识和技能,以作为领导者和在音乐诠释方面的合作, 包括排练和指挥技巧,以适当的特定音乐专业和学位课程. 
    • 编写和执行课程计划,清楚地表达每节课的目的和目标. 
    • Develop skills to become lifelong learners in musical art, both as participants and as audience members. 
    • Demonstrate sufficient understanding of musical forms, processes, and structures to use this knowledge in compositional, performance, scholarly, pedagogical, and historical contexts, as appropriate to their specialization and degree program. 
    • Form and defend value judgments about music. 
    • Acquire experience in a secondary performance area. 
    • 学习和使用艺术自我表达所需的技术技能,至少在一个适合特定音乐专业和学位课程水平的主要表演领域, 包括对主要表演领域的曲目的总体理解, an ability to perform from a cross-section of that repertoire, the ability to read at sight with fluency, 以及在各种独奏和合奏环境中表演的能力. 
    • 掌握技术如何为音乐服务的基本概况,以及适用于其专业和学位课程的技术发展的工作知识. 
  • Experiential Learning

    Prepared for the Future

    If you choose to major in music education at Mount Union, 您将有充足的机会在各种教育环境中进行课堂观察和教学. Also, 参加课外活动和学生组织可以为你的教育做更好的准备. Whether you want to be a teacher, administrator or professor, Mount Union会让你快速找到有价值的职业, equipped with all the necessary skills, knowledge and experience. 

  • Careers

    Common Careers

    Music teacher  
    Band director 

    Recent Employers

    Kinder Care Learning Center  
    Tri-County North Elementary Schools  
    Youngstown City Schools 
    Lake Local Schools  
    United Local Schools  
    Green Local Schools  
    North Canton City Schools  
    University of Cincinnati